Recognition is something all humans strive for; a simple “great job” can change your mood instantly. For many grant professionals, recognition is hard to come by. This year, Santa Cruz Grants & Consulting is a proud partner recognizing amazing grant professionals throughout the world. The 6th annual International Grant Professionals Day will be on Friday, March 13, 2020.
“Every day, grant professionals work diligently, usually behind the scenes, to seek grant opportunities, administer projects and implement important programs for the benefit of society’s disadvantaged and under-served people. These talented professionals are dedicated to providing the highest standard of ethics, quality program development, thoughtful project implementation, and wise financial stewardship. Often, those standards extend beyond the mere financial and include capacity support, long term solutions to challenges, fundraising assistance, expert project management, sustainable programming and so much more” (Grant Professionals Association or GPA).
Why is the grant profession important? Find out more here.
Local GPA Chapters all over the country will be celebrating and offering professional development on this important day. Not a GPA member? You can attend a #learngrants online summit through Foundant and DH Leonard Consulting & Grant Writing Services with eight GPA approved trainers. To register and learn more click here.
Happy International Grant Professionals Day! You rock, grant pros!
